Herzlich Willkommen zum
sameboat commons !

a node of the sameboat network and the prod (dev) deployment target for this functionality:

sameboat network nodes

Distinguishing characteristics of sameboat as a social network:
  • Organizing principle is rich group infra serving virtual communities such as the geonode regions, or other group network basis rather than an advertising platform or app grift. Classifieds/local directory are just a lead feature, part of a larger concept. Community or 3rd party ownership outside of the common DevOps and Auteur owned nodes.
  • Topology. Compared to other local directory networks, fewer but richer geonodes, anchored regions rather than single cities.
  • Integral mobile app extensible like and neither first nor last relative to the whole system.
  • Curated codebase supporting i18n and continuous improvement and deployed to diverged nodes preserving their local customisations..
Designed for the delight of AKPERSONs by a developer and sole owner operator ³.
Commons currently serves these sets of groups:
  • IRC networks and channels.
  • Support for the developers other products.
and has not currently budded from the STG MCP..
¹ Unlimited with jitsi for F class users, external service support (in order of implementation): Zoom, Skype, others TBA.
² Generic but with personals/dating as first and type use case.
³ Minimum entitlement @ 50 工 / quarter . See AKPERSON in wiki.